RCI Compliance and Assurance offers in-house and external services to optimize and ensure processes, as well as safety and quality systems.
Knowledge and education are important aspects of the business to deliver high quality services. Therefore, we have appointed an in-house Quality Manager to perform – amongst others but not limited to – internal audits, educate and examine (new) employees, integrate and communicate new laws and regulations, and update the company handbook.
The Quality Manager also has to maintain our various ISO accreditations and seek opportunities to expand our portfolio in compliance with the most recent industry regulations.
We also offer compliance and assurance services to third parties. This results in an ever-smarter, more effective and (cost-)efficient integral control of our living and work environments. Please note: consulting services are not considered as assurance services.
Through our assurance services we provide independent and professional examination of a company’s processes, operations and controls. We gain insight into risks and opportunities by monitoring, improving and safeguarding processes, as well as safety and quality systems.
To determine whether the business is operating with appropriate accuracy and to entail the testing of validity within past data of the business cycle.
Assurance services requires five components:
- A three-party relationship:
- the responsible party who prepares the information to be assured
- the independent practitioner who assures the information
- the users who are expected to rely on the information
- Agreed to subject matter
- Benckmark Criteria. There must be some agreed framework to which the information may be compared
- Sufficient appropriate evidence. The practitioner must obtain sufficient appropriate evidence that the subject matter information (the data related to the subject matter) agrees with the criteria.
- A conclusion expressed in a written report.
- Assurance services improve the quality of information to allow companies to make better decisions.
- Assurance encompasses five key elements; relationship, subject matter, benchmark criteria, evidence of meeting the criteria and conclusion through a written Assurance Report.
- Audits are one type of assurance service and are subject to international standards.